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Professional Engineering
Design Build structures
and processes.
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
— Will Rogers
Humble Beginnings
Napco Inc. the parent company, started 15 years ago with a vision, a plan and an old van. The plan has grown over the years and the old van has been retired. Napco now serves several markets and has clients in the Municiple, State, and federal agencies, as well as private companies.
Full Service
Napco Industrial, is a “full service” machinery installation contractor whose main
offering includes:
Mechanical Services – Machinist and Rigging talent
Electrical Services – Industrial/Electrical and Technician talent
Piping Services – Air, liquids, and other piping
Sheet Metal & Ducting Services
"Before we started our project we looked for 3 months for a contractor that would satisfy our requirements. Napco Industrial was able perform on time, under budget and in adverse conditions. I am glad we chose Napco Industrial for our project and I am happy to endorse them for yours"
- Wayne Bouchard
Prosolid Technologies
Woburn, MA